Day 3!

 Compared to the last two days, today was a little bit more Arabic Literature heavy, as I started off the day by reading this article about Naguib Mahfouz, that was given to me as in-class work by Dr. Dar yesterday. The article talked about many different topics surrounding Mahfouz, specifically his adaptation of The Arabian Nights, and the meaning behind his ending of his adaptation of this story. While reading this article, one specific aspect of Mahfouz's life that I never thought about was the fact that he received a lot of threats, specifically from an Islamist group. I never thought that Mahfouz's stories would cause any group of people to become so angry like that, but it turns out that I was wrong, as mentioned in the article, Mahfouz was attacked by a member of this group on October 14th, 1994. This attack left him barely able to write as much as he used to. I also thought that Mahfouz didn't deserve to have this type of attack against him, as I still don't understand why that group didn't like his stories so much. Afterwards, I finished the article. 

Then, I took a small break and ate my lunch! In the afternoon, I continued with my Arabic Lesson with Ms. Samira. Today, we continued with our practice in translating sentences from English to Arabic. We also started to work with new vocabulary, as we made more sentences based on pictures from the Arabic Lesson Book. After yesterdays lesson, I feel like today's was a little bit easier for me. In general, Arabic is a super hard language to learn, but I feel like I'm definitely getting the hang of making sentences and speaking aloud in Arabic. Afterwards, we finished the lesson!

Pictures of my Arabic Notes from Today's Lesson!
