Day 6!

For today, we started off the morning by continuing our lessons in Farsi. Dr. Dar and I reviewed the lessons that we learned this week, specifically, pronouns and the verb "To be." As we continue to review each lesson, I feel like I'm kind of getting the hang of everything, as it feels much easier to me than Arabic has been for the time that I've spent learning both of these languages. In addition to reviewing the previous lessons, we also learned about the numbers in Farsi. The pronunciation of the numbers in Farsi is much more different than it is in Arabic, however, some of the numbers, like 9 (نه) and 10 (ده) sound similar to both numbers are also said in Kashmiri. This similarity definitely made it a little bit easier to remember some of the Farsi numbers when we started to learn them. Afterwards, we reviewed the numbers for a little bit, and then we moved on to time. Specifically, Dr. Dar focused on how to say phrases like  "It's 1'o clock", or "It's 1:15." This was definitely a little bit hard to get used to, as the pronunciation of the letters is somewhat different to Arabic, however the alphabet does still look similar. This similarity is definitely confusing when trying to learn different phrases, but I feel like the way to talk about time in Farsi is definitely easier to get the hang of! We also reviewed the phrases for time a little bit after Dr. Dar introduced them, which definitely helped me remember them a little bit better. Some of the phrases we learned were, "ساعت یک است" (It's 1:00), "ساعت یک و ربع است" (It's 1:15), "ساعت دو است" (It's 2:00), and many more!


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